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FILM 15.8.2010 
6 příspěvků

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  • tak tenhle film si ujit nenecham:D
  • krisstew

    Re: Re: Re: Kristen??

    No I have not seen it. But I have some news. In America, it's quite popular. The film The Cake Eaters http://www.ulozto.cz/2158919/the-ca ke-eaters-2007-dvdrip-xvid-fragment -avi and headlines http://www.titulky.com/The-Cake-Eat ers- 129123.htm
  • qlarqua

    Re: Re: Kristen??

    You saw it? *1* *1* And don´t you know, where I will find movie The Cake Eaters in czech or with czech subtitles? *14* *7*
  • kristen

    ahoj a kdy ma premieru v americe ?? a kdy u nas?? dik :DD
  • krisstew

    Re: Kristen??

    Yes, this is movie with kristen.... and this is great movie *3*
  • your-darling


    Ahojík..je tohle ten film s Kristen Stewart, že jo...protože jestli jo, tak se na ěnj strašně moc těším... *14* *14*

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