Lilies have very nice and when I saw you but a very good *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14*
Lilies have very nice and when I saw you but a very good
prepac to tebe nebolo
Lilies have very nice and when I saw you but a very good *14* *14* *14* *14* *14*
lili ja sa s nim budem baviť jak ja budem chceť *1* *1* *1* *1*
lili is also nice *14* *14* *14* *14*
niki a very nice *14* *14* *14*
Nikola is distribudet *12* *12*
tomorrow there will not even then *10*
a keby nebolo mna tak by si nevedela že existuje *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *10*
a ja som ho prvá videla *10* *10* *10* *10* *10* *16* *16* *16* *16* *16*
niki to jak mu píšeš však ste nemali ani rande *16* *16* *16* *16*
ha ha ha *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *3*
ha ha ha *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *3* *3*
Hi, I'm going away from the laptop to hi cameron hope that you'll be there tomorrow *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14*
thank my best sim cameron
we dudes niki *14* *3* *5*
počkáš 2 3 4 minutki pokím prídem s Jackinom von *1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *3*
neviem asi hej