Vše nejlepší Logane :* ♥★★
Logan is the best ..... beautiful .... and those of his eyes aaahhh .... I live in Canada and I never met him and I have to correct it:)) *14*
and you want to meet him?? *14* *3* *2* *2* *2*
Wooow!! Je strašně mocinky k sežrání.. *14* je fakt 10000000000 hezčí než Zac a takový ostatní úlety. Je nejkrásnější a má nejhezký očička ♥ .Asi sem se zamilovala *1* ♥♥♥♥
xoxo♥ -
to myslis koho??
jak je tam ta fotka kde je v cervenym tricko oprenej o nejaky zabradli tak to neni Logan ale Josh Hutcherson -
Happy B-Day *14* *14* *14* *14* *4* *4* *4* *4* *15* *15* *15* *15* *1* *1* *1*
mass executioners truth selena is snotty cow .... maybe something more, never fierce walk with Logan Logan is beautiful ..... smart Edinu has no error, but yeah she is ugly .... stupid girl ... .. and yeah Got this boy justin bieber I think, of me, but no it is not enough they must interfere with Logan on it .... well he will never have a completely sexy and nice best actor aco ... she is nothing! ! *16*
mas pravdu sellyboo on je ten nejkrasnejsi kluk na svete ty jeho oci... usmev ahh neda se to popsat ploste upe nejkrasnejsi *14*
:) ...
Logan je boží.. <3 Nedávno jsem byla na Třech Mušketýrech... On je.. Boože...To se ani nedá napsat...