i love you Zendaya *14* *14* *14* *14*
Je to oficialne potvrzené na twitri zendaya podpisala zmluvu s republic record v roku 2015 vydá svou druhy album
Kukni si zendayn seriál Kc undercover na youtube zatial bolí natočené 2 epizody je to bomba milujeme zendayu
Ahoj, já hraji jednu hru a v té hře jsou ostatní holky a už jich znám asi 20 které tě mají rádi Zendayo!!! *14* *14* *14*
Ahoj jsem tvuj fanoušek
Zendaya is the best singer, actress and dancer .
I would like to come on tour to Czech Republic.
Is very pretty.
I wrote from my best friend for her song.
I wish her the best of luck in the future.
I'm looking forward to her new song and a new series KC Undercover.
I love you.
*14* *14* *14* *14* *3* *14* *14* *14* -
hi you got really nice pictures but do you see all the time from Bella Thorne?
*3* *2* *12* -
Zendaya is very beautiful and talented singer, actress and dancer.
It's my favorite actress.
and I too would like for her concert but I live in the Czech Republic.
I love you
*14* *14* *15* *14* *14* -
Zendaya je krasna a talentovana tesim sa na jej novu hudbu a serial kc.undercover caka ju velka buducnost nova superstar
Zendaya is a great singer, actress and dancer.
Zendaya very is beautiful.
when I grow up I want to be like her, and in the future I would like to play her in the movie or series.
Unfortunately, I live in Czech Republic, so I'd like to see at least her concert.
I LOVE YOU *14* *3* *14* *3* *14* -
I love you, you're wonderful songs. Would you ever go on tour to Czech Republic? You're too pretty, I love all of the singers most. I would be very glad if you wrote back to me.
Hello and good day: D *3* *14* -
Zendaya is my favorite actress. Is pretty and a great actress, singer and dancer.
She grew up so fast and I want to ask if he could in the future also performed in the Czech Republic?
I love you. *14* *3* *14* -
Zendaya is a great actress grew up so fast and I was wondering if it would ever in budouctu performed well in the Czech Republic?
S kym vlastně chodí?
happy birsday *3* *3* *1* *2*
Happy Birthday Zendaya *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14*
Happy Birthday Zendaya *14*
Happy Birthday *1* *1*
Happy B-Day Zanday
Vím, že to fakt Zendaya nečte *7*, ale chci jí jen tak popřát HAPPY BIRTHDAY *1*