The Last of Us obdrželo v první recenzi (EmpireOnline) hodnocení 5/5, z druhé recenze (OPM UK) si odneslo...
zacina to pekne
s multakem jsem nepocital ale vypada to zajimave takze se tesim jeste vic -
Udajný seznam her, které Microsoft představí na E3 2013. Berte ho s rezervou.
Už jen díky Prey 2 a Mirror's Edge 2 tomu moc nevěřil, ale sakra bych si to přál ! *7* -
Marvel Heroes
dneska večer startuje F2P MMO diablovka Marvel Heroes, stáhnout si to můžete už teď - https://marvelheroes.com/download a je to i na steamu -
Deus Ex: The Fall
Už vydali menší "teaser" kde asi oznamují datum představení 5.6.2013 *14*
http://alturl.com/5uzop -
Chystá se na nás nový Deus Ex s podtitulem The Fall?
Kéž by *14* -
Torchlight 2 (Steam)
tak cena padá víc a víc, 5 liber. za chvíli se asi někde hra dostane na 5 eur.
http://www.gamefly.co.uk/Download-Torchlight-II/5004161/ -
ta udajna protagonistka Watch Dogs je Clara, Aiden je hlavny hrdina
Sorry, čtu Aiden a Clara -> myslím Clara, píšu Aiden.
Už to tady pozorujeme delší dobu, že bleskař nám asi chytl levisovu nemoc *2*
Smyslové brnění
Smyslové brnění pro hráče: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/141790329/araig-as-real-as-it-gets -
The Last Guardian na letosni E3?! *8* *14*
Já teda doufám že to bude jako launchovej titul na PS4. -
a na PS3. I like!
Unikle info o multiplayeru Last of Us
- New feature called "Clans"
- The clan-based system and recruiting is essential to survive hordes of infected (possibly AI or player based clans)
- Possibly free-roam / Big open maps
- You can Craft weapons / Items in Multiplayer from all the supplies you gather
- The Multiplayer has certain random events (sort of like RDR) that happen in your playthrough. Some of which can threaten or help your clan
- The Multiplayer has mini-missions structured for you like surviving a certain amount of time, etc - You can train Clan members (in what way, its still not clear)
- Depending on how well you train your clan members, you can do rescue missions to free hostages taken during the outbreak - You'll need to gather supplies to survive (your clan can gather supplies too to be well equipped) - You can aquire medicines / antibiotics from looting dead bodies throughout your playthrough
- You have 3 matches to complete a Mission (how this works its still unclear)
- Uncharted 3-like, Loadouts makes a comback
- Character Customization possibly back too -
Basically, you are in this possibly huge/ free-roam map, filled with hordes of infected. You set camp around the map with clan members (basically spawn points). In this map, exists various multiplayer Missions that you can tackle of which will reward you and your teammates greatly. The world is always active, so you have to do your best to get well equipped by looting everything you can find, and crafting the best weapons to prepare for Clickers/Runners invasions.
Ammo is limited and stealth is the prime focus. -
Pokud je toto vše tutovka (je to pry vytazene z kodu z dema) tak to vypada na opravdu novej a zábavnej multiplayer...