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Ado Matheson

OSOBNOST 18.2.2008 
55 příspěvků

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  • lynette

    Ado je alkoholik?

    Co je na tom pravdy, že tento úžasnej skladatel se celoživotně likviduje alkoholem a slaninou *7*
    • Re: Ado je alkoholik?

      Ano, to je pravda. Snad je to zatím bez vážnějších zdrav. potíží. *4* *5*
  • Ich rodziny jest niesamowity

    Uwielbiam starszego syna, nie wiedziałem, że jego ojciec, jest tak jak on, na ich wspólne piosenki są tak emocjonalne i wzruszające. Ich muzyka jest bardzo kojące. Dwa z nich mają takie piękne głosy, że uspokajał moją duszę. Ich teksty są historie ich życia, które nie są łatwe.Niektóre utwory są szczególnie smutne, takich jak stary rybak, czy pieśń o tragicznej śmierci ich siostra i ciotka Christina.I nie przeszkadza, że ich rodzina jest unoszącą się w butelkach z alkoholem. W Szkocji trudne życie. *9* Ich natura podziwiam i podziwiam ich talenty artystyczne, więcej muzyki, proszę! *3*
    • Re: Ich rodziny jest niesamowity

      Jego starszy syn jest dobry aktor, piosenkarz, autor tekstów, gitarzysta, pianista, skrzypek, artysta i jego njuchac jest piękne! *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *3* *3* *3* *3* *3* *3* *3*
  • Kritika CD Out on the Islands

    Ale opět musíte překládat...
    *5* *4*

    Ado Matheson,
    Out on the Islands
    (Eagle Owl, 2003)

    Out on the Islands is the first CD by Ado Matheson, a Celtic singer-songwriter hailing from the Isle of Lewis in Scotland. For years, he has written and performed his own material. As his touring schedule is rather limited, this is most likely the first chance many prospective fans will have to listen to what he has to offer.

    To quote the promo material on Ado's first CD, "the songs are a collection of vivid memories, dreams and reflections inspired by the powerful images and emotions of his homeland." The music tends to be very mellow, almost sad. Matheson has a nice voice and the melodies are very supporting for his range.

    Most of the 13 selections are slow-paced. One of the few exceptions is the more upbeat song "The Harbor." Matheson sings about coming full circle. His life started in a harbor town and it is calling him back. You can tell how fond he is about the way he grew up; it almost makes folks nostalgic for their own childhood whether they grew up near the ocean or not.

    There is an instrumental track on the CD called "Wings on the Water." The melody is led by the piano and backed up by a quiet electrical guitar. Like most of the tracks, the pace is tranquil. It is a pleasant way to end the CD before the hidden track begins. On the last selection, Matheson reinterprets the title track. I prefer this second version.
    • Re: Kritika CD Out on the Islands

      All the songs on Out on the Islands were written by Matheson. While he plays guitar and piano and handles lead vocals, he does get a little help to flesh out the sound. His son, Hans, provides backing vocals, percussion and violin. Mandy Meaden sings backing vocals on selected tracks. Nick Kacal is on double bass, Simon Lea on drums and last, but not least, Nick Turner on bass, again, for selected pieces.

      I do like Out on the Islands as I think many fans of Celtic music would. However, with no offense intended toward Matheson, I admit that I do not find myself reaching for this CD very often. The music is very pretty and occasionally touching. I would definitely go see him perform live if our paths ever crossed. But the CD lacks any musical hooks to keep me coming back. Perhaps my Celtic collection is simply too large and any new Celtic music really has to shine to be singled out. Perhaps the mood is a little too somber for my taste. Do not get me wrong. I think this is a better than average CD in many respects. It simply is not my favorite cup of Celtic tea.

      written by Wil Owen
      published 17 January 2004
  • Blahopřání

    Manželce pana Ada Mathesona přeji k jejím dnešním 59.narozeninám vše nej! *3* Je to velká klikařka, že má za manžela tohoto super pána a má s ním dva báječné syny. *3* *4*
  • Sháním jeho CD Out on the Islands

    Poraďte, kde bych mohla sehnat jeho CD Out on the Islands z roku 2003, popř. kde se dá na netu stáhnout. *7* *9* Pište na můj e-mail Killer.mausie@atlas.cz
  • Špatné datum narození!!!

    William Matheson je údajně narozen 7.3.1977!!! Není to sice ofic. potvrzené, jako např. na stránkách Imdb, ale na neofic. stránce jeho bratra Hanse kdosi z administrátorů hodil toto datum narození do oběhu a dodal, že je to ze spolehlivého zdroje. *5* Už kdosi v minulosti kdo se uváděl jako jejich známý uvedl, že William je narozen začát
    kem března roku 1977. *5* Takže to vypadá jako pravdivá informace. *3*
    • William Lewis Matheson * 7.3.1977 - + 7.8.2013

  • Všechno nejlepší vašemu krásnému staršímu synovi Hansovi k jeho dnešním 40. narozeninám!!!
  • Článek z května 1997

    Úryvek článku o Adovi Mathesonovi z května 1997 /takže trochu starší/. Ale to vůbec nevadí. V angličtině, takže si ho musíte přeložit.
    *4* *3*
    Iain Matheson

    Iain grew up on the Island of Lewis off Scotland. His father was a Gaelic singer and was a strong influence on Iain, whose music reflects the depth, wilderness and beauty of his own culture. He sings mostly in English but some of his songs are in his native Gaelic language.

    'I was born to be a musician, but it is only in the past ten years that I became inspired to write my own material. Music and song enable me to communicate a range of emotions. It is a medium with which I can free the pain and suffering that has been locked up inside. My writing is an honest expression of my life experiences and perceptions.

    My Celtic background has, in many ways, influenced the subject matter. Gaelic is a very powerful language, especially through song, so I have translated some of my songs into Gaelic as their focus is primarily on the yearning of the Celtic Heart.

    They reflect my own culture and my desire to feel a sense of belonging and find happiness. As Sting writes about being an 'Englishman in New York', I write of being an Islander in the city.
    • Re: Článek z května 1997

      I am inspired by music that conveys the truth. I used to be a big rock and roll fan, but the beats and the noise tend to disolve the words and the meaning behind them. I like to be able to hear the lyrics and to work out the story being told.

      Although I am essentially a solo artist, about 5 years ago I started playing at several poetry evenings with Chris Brierley, a very talented and versitile classical violin player. After that we used to play at small clubs and concerts. As we got more and more gigs, the band started to expand. Now 'The Iain Matheson Band' is now composed of Chris, Ben Clark, and experienced tabla and drum player, Alf Thomas on the keyboards, and myself on guitar and lead vocals. Performing live is quite a dynamic experience as everybody is inspired by each other and adds their own creation to the final piece. I prefer this to playing solo because the interaction adds a new dimension to my music.
      • Re: Re: Článek z května 1997

        On a number of occasions I have played the Union Chapel in London. More recently I supported Marianne Faithful at the Shepherds Bush Empire and was also the support for Davey Spillane at his last concert in London. Earlier this year I was invited to perform at the Midem Festival in France. This was thoroughly enjoyable and projected lots of positive feedback.

        The obstacles I have faced during my time as a musician have essentially been caused by record companies who have raised my hopes only to let them fall. I haven't lost faith, however I am planning to go independent and produce an album in the near future. Music is a mirror of my life so, unless it decides to give me up, we're stuck together forever.'
        • lynette

          Rodný jazyk - gaelská keltština, velký rokenrolový fanoušek.
          Od r. 1992 hrál s velmi nadaným houslovým hráčem /Chris Brierley/. Hráli spolu na malých koncertech v malých klubech. Čím více a více vystupovali, skupina začala expandovat. Založil si proto vlastní kapelu THE IAIN MATHESON BAND /složení kapely: Chris Brierley - housle, Ben Clark - bubny, Alf Thomas - klávesy, Ado Matheson - kytara a zpěv/. Hráli např. v UNION CHAPEL v Londýně, v roce 1997 si zahrál s Marianne Faithful v THE SHEPHERDS BUSH EMPIRE a koncertoval i s Davey Spillanem v Londýně. Roku 1996 hrál na MIDEM FESTIVALU ve Francii.
          2.4. 2005 - vystupoval na pozvání svého kamaráda Joyce Seymoura Chalka od 20.00 hod. večer na UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON v Londýně při příležitosti "Hlavního literárního večera".
          Listopad 2005 - vystupoval v Londýně u HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS SOCIETY OF LONDON.
  • Texty písní - pár ukázek


    Ancestral Chimes

    I was feeling torn and tired
    In the evening light
    Reflections of the past
    Turning in the night
    Soon it could be over
    Feels like it's just began
    All the time I'm living
    Living on the run

    When things don't work out
    Like you want them to
    And the shadows fall
    Between me and you
    Let those tears roll down
    Until the morning light
    And each others arms
    We'll carry through the night

    Deep down inside
    Deep down inside
    Oh don't you hide
    Deep down inside

    Feels like I'm waking up
    From a long dark sleep
    I feel the beat of my heart
    The rhythm in my feet
    And I'm never going back
    To that broken place
    Where you bury the heart
    Of the human race

    And when the season change
    For the very last time
    In the ancient sound
    Of ancestral chimes
    Lay my body down
    In the mother of my soul
    And my father's arms
    Carry me home
    • Re: Texty písní - pár ukázek

      Songs of the Wind

      Oh the ancient cry of truth
      That I knew as a a child
      Though I've travelled far and wide
      Something stirs me from inside

      When I hear the song of the wind
      I want to dance and let it in
      When I hear the song of the wind
      I want to sing and dance
      To the song of the wind

      Far from the rush of the madding crowd
      Into the silence of your dreams
      You'll hear me crying right out loud
      You'll know exactly what I mean

      And we'll shelter from the rain
      By the flowing rush of the river wild
      You'll look into my eyes once again
      And we'll remember why we came
      • Re: Re: Texty písní - pár ukázek

        Never grow so cold

        The harbour lamps light up the night
        Tide is on the rise
        Night clouds form the NOrthern Sky
        The full moon shines like gold
        The fishing boats come sailing home
        Hear the seagulls cry
        The summer breeze upon my face
        Never grow so cold

        You can't hear the children cry
        The heartbreak of their souls
        Never feign nor walk on by
        Never grow so cold

        There's a woman on the shore
        She walks there in the night
        She has no-one with which to share
        Her sorrow or her light
        As she gazes out to sea
        Like in days of old
        She kneels and prays someone will come
        Never grow so cold
        • Re: Re: Re: Texty písní - pár ukázek


          Like a bird on the wing floating free
          A song to sing to carry me
          Over the dark and rolling sea
          To the shores of Iona

          Oh mystic Isle in the silence still
          The red sun setting on the hill
          My own heart does sweel and fill
          On the shores of Iona

          As my hands reach out the touch the flame
          The raven's fire does rise again
          As a child I come from a a world of pain
          To the shores of Iona

          Come my brothers to this land
          Lay yoru sword down in the sand
          For you and I will understnad
          On the shores of Iona
  • aranella

    Políbila mě dnes múza...:-)


    Hans Matheson, skotský to rodák a anglický gentleman,
    v minulém životě anglickým nešťastným králem,
    v současnosti melancholickým umělcem.
    Jako král chtěl si žít v poklidu,
    ale žil jen v spalující bouři neklidu.
    Královnu a děti své miloval,
    z královské pokladny hodně bral a chudým málo rozdával.
    Čekal ho za to osud potupný a neblahý,
    před palácem svým byl před zraky poddaných na špalku sťatý...

    V současné době znova reinkarnovaný,
    štíhlý to mužík s hlubokým pohledem a očima jak blankyt,
    hlasem sametovým a kůží bílou jak padlý sníh,
    zažívá opět velký neklid...
    Ač mnohostranný talent a stydlivý poeta,
    váhá, zda pokračovat v herectví či raději zpívání,
    je to pro něj obrovské životní soužení a vzdává se lehce svého snažení..
    Vysnil si kdysi krásný život rodinný, místo toho má ústup ze slávy jen
    a v sobě pocity marnosti a viny..

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