Přejít na výpis diskuzí

Julianna Rose Mauriello

OSOBNOST 6.5.2008 
181 příspěvků

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  • hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    na tom je daco zle nemoze mat 19 a 146cm ked som bola mala pozerala som to a ked je ruzova vyzera jak lizatko ze mi je zleeeee
    *9* *10*
    • Re: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      Come to that, I would say something .... You're quite right from there as vizerám diet but as there certainly nevizeram lollipop! Can be seen in the mirror? Before they look at themselves and then call on someone of a terrible ... well?
      sSpozdravom Stephanie!

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