What does this have to do with Fox's new "Roswell High"? Mr. Hoffmann is up for the role of sheriff.
I would love to write more about the film industry's see-saw relationship with minority America, Native American actors and film festivals, the 'new age' of the western genre, etc.
Cinda Hughes
http://www.aintitcool.com/node/2724 -
That brings me to the point of this missive. I have been watching a Native actor by the name of Pato Hoffmann. I first noticed him in Roger Corman's western effort "Cheyenne Warrior" with Kelly Preston. Even though it was a dismal movie-of-the-week type film, Mr. Hoffmann shows a depth seldom seen by a Native American actor under 50. I noticed him next in an eye-catching performance for Walter Hill's beleagured "Wild Bill". He appeared in the film's most affecting winter snow scene with Jeff Bridges, as the only threat 'Wild Bill' took seriously. He is quite handsome, charismatic, multi-dimensional and subtle. Subtlety is a rarity among these actors, save Gary Farmer and Tantoo Cardinal.
Working as Vice-chair of Oklahoma's annual Red Earth Film Festival for the past six years, I had the opportunity to learn a bit more about Pato Hoffmann. It turns out he comes from a tribe in South America and is bi-lingual in English and Spanish. (His English is flawless without a hint of an accent.) He shares his acting coach with none other than Al Pacino. Mr. Hoffman is extremely intelligent, well-educated, and saturated in Native American history and culture; a renaissance 'Indian'.
It almost seems as if he is a threat to today's prominent 'Native' casting directors. He doesn't kiss ass, a no-no in any 'Native' community. He is a South American Indian as opposed to North American.(To some it does make a difference) So there you have it, a true victim of overblown political correctness. -
Let me start off by saying that I am a big fan of your site. My name is Cinda Hughes from Oklahoma City. I am a quadriplegic Native American who also happens to be a cinephile. I Love Movies! I have been teaching myself about them for almost 30 years. I particularly love to find up and comers, follow their burgeoning careers, and see if I am right about them.
Of course, I am a bit partial to Native actors. The upcoming rise in Western genre films is quite exciting. Although I am all for inclusion and accurate representation, it should not be at the expense of poor acting skills. There are only a handful of them whom I personally believe can 'mainstream'.
In my opinion, Gary Farmer is truly phenomenal. His work in "Smoke Signals" was award worthy. Gordon Tootoosis plays the 'Gary Cooper' bit extremely well. He is the embodiment of the popular view of Native stoicism. Steve Reevis is quite talented, but has a limited range. He could use more acting classes. Wes Studi is a great heavy, but I'm not sure he has much range either. Graham Greene is allowing his alcoholism to usurp his talent. Adam Beach is developing along the lines of a Will Smith. Hopefully, he is capable of portraying antagonistic roles as well. His day is yet to come. Michael Greyeyes is definitely a pretty boy, but static. Rodney Grant is little more then a mono-syllabic neanderthal.
The female front remains largely open territory. Tantoo Cardinal is a Goddess. Irene Bedard is passable, but needs more acting classes. She is still much too self-conscious. Sheila Tousey is a much-deserving underdog. She deserves much more recognition.(If you've seen Sam Shepard's "Silent Tongue", you know what I mean.) Karina Lombard is beautiful to look at, but offers little else. -
ČLÁNEK /29.12.1998/
Native American Actors Working in Film currently...
Published at: Dec. 29, 1998, 8:24 p.m. CST
I found this article to be quite interesting personally. I've been a fan of Native American actors since I first locked eyes on Chief Dan George in LITTLE BIG MAN and THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES. I loved his face, his eyes, the way he spoke. I immediately became entranced with the knowledge that this wasn't a blue eyed Christopher Pike in make up, or a Karloff or Henry Brandon. And this year at SUNDANCE I was taken in by the 'word' on the street and in my email box about a movie called SMOKE SIGNALS. I was never able to get into a screening out there, but you better believe I was in the theater as soon as it hit Austin. Wes Studi and Russell Means were fantastic in LAST OF THE MOHICANS, and that caused me to see other films by both actors. With Russell Means, I was frustrated, because I didn't find much (since then he's done quite a bit) and with Wes Studi... well it paid off because I discovered the wonderful film POWWOW HIGHWAY which also features the wonderful Graham Greene. But the problem I've had is this... It's hard to find really great Native American actors until they appear in a mainstream film, and unfortunately often times it's a long time between these films. That's why I really loved this piece here, that made me take notice of some actors to keep an eye out for. Well, here... open your eyes as well... -
Vaše štěstí barva je zelená.
Vaše štěstí drahokamy jsou Emerald, Aquamarine nebo Jade.
Vaše štěstí dnů v týdnu středu, pátek, sobota.
Vaše šťastná čísla a let významné změny jsou 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.
Slavní lidi narozený na své narozeniny patří Louis XV1, Edgar Lee Masters, Ernie Bushmiller, Gene Kelly, Barbara Eden, Rick Springfield, River Phoenix a Jay Mohr. -
Google překladač:
Vaše znamení slunce je Leo
Vaše osobní vládnoucí planeta je Merkur.
Jak Panna a den narození vládne Merkur ve vašem případě, dotovat vám neuvěřitelné schopnosti řeči. Vaše mysl je rychlá, ostražitý, zvědavý a samozřejmě, poněkud kritické taky. Ty mají schopnost jednat spontánně a obvykle s vysokým stupněm správné vnímání v daném hmoty. Budete v době přilákat vysoce stresující situace, skoro jako by si najít nové pohledy na to, jak překonat problémy, které jste nastavili pro sebe.
Milujete pohyb. Změna je něco, co nikdy neopustí vás, jak jste zájem o vše, co je vzrušující, svěží a neobjevené. Kariéra v oblasti hygieny, zdraví a dokonce i pohostinství by bylo ideální pro vás. -
Vaše šťastná barva je zelená.
Vaše šťastné drahokamy jsou smaragd, akvamarín nebo nefrit.
Vaše šťastné dny střed týdnu, pátky, soboty.
Vaše šťastná čísla a roky důležité změny jsou 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.
Slavní lidé narozený na vašich narozeninách zahrnovat Louise XV1, Edgar Lee pánové, Ernie Bushmiller, Gene Kelly, Barbara Edenová, Rick Springfield, River Phoenix a Jay Mohr. -
Překlad z Eurotranu:
Vaše znamení slunce je Leo
Vaše osobní vládnoucí planeta je Merkur.
Oba panna a den ze rodu být ovládán Merkurem ve vašem případě, věnovat vám neuvěřitelné síly řeči. Vaše mysl je rychlá, ostražitý, zvědavý a samozřejmě, poněkud kritický také. Vy máte schopnost jednat spontánně a obvykle s vysokou mírou správného vnímání v nějaké dané záležitosti. Vy chcete místy získávat velmi stresující situace téměř jako by vy najdete nové pohledy na jak překonat výzvy, které vy jste dali pro sebe.
Vy milujete hnutí. Změna je něco to nikdy odejde od vás jak vás zajímat se o všechny to je vzrušující, čerstvý a neobjevený. Kariéry v hygieně, zdraví a dokonce pohostinný průmysl by byl ideální pro vás. -
Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.
Famous people born on your birthday include Louis XV1, Edgar Lee Masters, Ernie Bushmiller, Gene Kelly, Barbara Eden, Rick Springfield, River Phoenix and Jay Mohr. -
You love movement. Change is something that will never leave you as you are interested in all that is exciting, fresh and undiscovered. Careers in hygiene, health and even hospitality industry would be ideal for you.
Your lucky color is green.
Your lucky gems are Emerald, Aquamarine or Jade.
Your lucky days of the week Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays. -
Pato dle numero / den narození 23.8/:
Astrological Profile for Those Born On August 23
Your Sun Sign is Leo
Your personal ruling planet is Mercury.
Both Virgo and the day of birth are ruled by Mercury in your case, endowing you with incredible powers of speech. Your mind is quick, alert, curious and of course, somewhat critical too. You have the ability to act spontaneously and usually with a high degree of correct perception in any given matter. You will at times attract highly stressful situations almost as if you find new perspectives on how to overcome the challenges you set for yourself. -
Vyšla v angličtině 1.1.2012, autoři - Ronald Cohn a Jesse Russell. Jedná se o knižní životopis /soukromí, kariéra/. -
Nahkohe Domorodí Američané
Moc zajímavá stránka, když je ten Pato jinak taktéž domorodý Američan. *3* -
Raven Hawk /1996/
https://kat.ph/raven-hawk-1996-dvd5-t2823287.html -
https://kat.ph/lakota-woman-vhs-tv-1994-irene-bedard-t4116453.html -
Meteority!. -
Důkaz, že Pato ještě žije a že se pořád nachází a pracuje v Bolívii. -
Astrology Numerology for Person Born on August 23rd
Další numero počtení. -
August 23 Birthday Horoscope
Numero profil http://www.famousbirthdays.com/horoscope/august23.html -
Také zajímavá stránka - profily povah dle datumu narození
I když mám dojem, že ty jeho tam zrovna nejsou...