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  • smejki
    proč by žaloval? nastudujte si něco o parodiích v americkém autorském právu
    • neviem, co tam mam studovat. Daj sem citat pls.
      • smejki
        tady to máš i se zpřesňujícím textem, že není parodie jako parodie:
        Although a parody can be considered a derivative work under United States Copyright Law, and thus within the exclusive rights of the copyright owner, it may qualify for the "fair use" exception to the exclusive rights, which is codified at 17 U.S.C. § 107. Parodic works are not automatically fair use of the material parodied, however. The Supreme Court of the United States stated that parody "is the use of some elements of a prior author's composition to create a new one that, at least in part, comments on that author's works." That commentary function provides some justification for use of the older work; in contrast, a satire (which is not targeted at the work borrowed from) does not require use of the original work to make its point.
        • Hmm, a když to nebude spadat pod fair use? Tak to asi žalovat půjde, což? *3* Pochybuju, že seš v americkým autorským právu natolik kovanej, abys mohl od stolu určit, jestli má žaloba šanci na úspěch nebo ne.

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