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Nicholas Rogers

OSOBNOST 31.12.2006 
474 příspěvků

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  • zkoušela jsem psát i na tu mailovku uvedenou na jeho ofic. stránkách, ale ten zmetek administrátor mi neodepsal nic, sice tam má napsaný, že neodpovídá na maily týkající se Nickova soukromí, ale aspoň mohl napsat, kde Nick teď bydlí. Já si stejně myslím, že je zase v Sydney. *3* *14* *5*
    • Promiň, ale dotaz ohledně jeho současného bydliště už patří do sorty otázek ohledně jeho soukromého života. *1* Nediv se. *4*
      • To je pravda, že je to trochu zásah do soukromí, ale né až tak moc velký,podle mě na tom není nic špatnýho, stejně bydlí někde na druhým konci světa a tam se hned tak nedostanu... *15* *15*
        • huš ty jedna štěnice a už se o mě víc nezajímaj ty jedna *10* mor a neštovice na tebe! *16*
          • ty seš ale hnuuuusnej.....ještě že to nejsi ty.
            • Jsem to já, Nick Rogers a jsem na to hrdý víc než si myslíš. *5*
  • Tak tomu říkám chlap,sexy chlap wauuu *14*
    • viď! *3* *4*
  • Našla jsem jeho životopis spojený s rozhovorem,je to teda v AJ,říká tam,že Fantaghiro se točila i u nás,to jsem nevěděla.
    The 1.90 m tall, dark-haired, a bit mystical young man was born on 6th of March, 1969 in Australia. His parents and brothers Steve and Tim still live near Sydney in house which is located right on the coast of the ocean.
    Here is what Nicholas tells about himself: My father wanted me to finish school successfully and work for his enterprise. But I wasn't a very quiet boy, a rather young mutineer instead. Already in the first year, I was discharged from school because I regularly missed lessons during which I spent on the beach.
    When I was 10, I ran away from home once. As a punishment, my father placed me in boarding school. It was terrible. I had to wear uniform and live by strict regulations. I played various pranks with my brother when he also went there. One of his brothers even went by ship to Malaysia to take part in a wind-surfing event. Nevertheless, I graduated from the school. At 17, I had a high-school diploma. And there was nothing left to work with my father.
    At 20, I got connected with a big American fashion company which sent me to New York. But I was sure that this job would not interest me forever. On holidays in Spain and Italy, I met young people who worked as models and earned money which they spent travelling around the world. I thought it over - why couldn't I also do that? I went to London and applied for a model in bureau which served for Europe. I was modelling jeans for two years till I was fed up with it.
    And then suddenly I got message from my agent that some Italian film director has seen my photos on posters and wants to meet me. It arouse my curiosity and without delay, I took the plane to Rome. I am the type of man who swiftly takes a decision. In Rome, some strange woman met me at the airport and already there, literary, pushed under my nose the script of "Princess Fantaghiro" and whispered: "if you'll get this role, I'll be your agent". She took me to the director who immediately wanted me to show them everything I could and he fixed it with the camera. I had already managed to look into the script and knew that the role of Tarabas will come easy to me.
    Two days later, I signed the contract and in August of 1994 we started shooting. At first in Italy, then in Czech and Thailand. Shooting wasn't less fantastic as the tale itself. Of course, not everything was so easy. Sometimes, I even had to cheat. When asked if I knew how to ride a horse, I bravely answered "of course!", knowing that only once I had sat on the horse. No way back, surrounded by filming group, I had to get on my black horse. Thank Lord, I kept in the saddle and didn't fall down. We filmed in Italy and in other places, but for a place to live, I chose Paris, because I feel very good there.
    The capital of France has it's unique aura. In two years I got a lot of new friends. My three-room apartment is right in the centre of Paris. It has antiquated furniture and splendid carpets and there's nothing modern. I don't like fashionable furniture. At my disposal there is also attic terrace with lots of plants. I'll live there till I get married. Then I will build a house to live with my wife and children. Maybe it will be a house in Toscana where the legend of Fantaghiro was born and, as her prince, I will look for my bride by her eyes, because eyes expresses everything and eyes never lie. But for now I feel good enough with music. There are about 600 CD's in my collection. The picture in which I'm filming now also is related with music. I'm acting as a singer of a rock-group. It is a very sad movie. Quite different is another film where I act, too. It's a thriller about two brothers who have fallen in love with the same woman.
    Nicholas models and works for famous companies as Lagerfeld, Ray Ban and Chiemsee. He also won the "Pop Rocky Award" in Germany for one of the three best Actors in the early 1998.
    • Tenhle článek znám, asi jako úplně jediný. *3* Jinak ve filmových zajímavostech je napsáno ke všem dílům Princezny Fantaghiro hodně informací z natáčení na našich českých filmových databázích FDB.cz a CSFD.cz, doporučuji nahlédnout! *5*
  • Akorát mi vadí, že na netu je toho o Nickovi moc málo, i na jeho webovkách. Veeeeliká škoda. *9* *9* *14*
  • Chlap jak má být,prostě k sežrání *14* *14* *14* *14* mňam *14* *14* *14* *14*
  • nejkrásnější chlap na světě *14* *14* *14* *14*
  • Mohli byste mi prosím vás napsat názvy všech dílů Princezny Fantaghiro? Mám v tom dost chaos, díkec. *3*
    • To by se dříve tady lidé z toho museli upsat, udělám Ti to jednodušší. *4* Nahlédni do české filmové databáze FDB.cz, ale spíše Ti doporučím tu špicovnější a serioznější CSFD.cz, tam najdeš všechny díly, jen zadej do vyhledávače nahoře "Princezna Fantaghiro" a vyjede Ti to všechny vyhledané výsledky. *3* *5* Rychlé, snadné.
      • díky *3*
  • Romualdo byl dost dobrej,fakt pěknej, ale na můj vkus až moc přeslazený, to Tarabas byl trefa do černýho, tajemný,sexy, přitažlivý až moooc, prostě superliga. Jsem vždycky nadržená,když Tarabase vidím. *15* *15* *15* *14* *14* *14*
  • Austrálie produkuje samý super klasy, Heath Ledger, Nicholas Rogers........woooow, yeaaaaaah, cooooooool. I love you guys. *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* *14* Akorát bych neřekla,že Nick je Australan, tipovala jsem ho na Itala nebo Španěla,ale OK, it doesn't matter. *14* *14* *14*
    • Pracovala jsem v 90.letech v obouch těchto státech (Itálie, Španělsko), ale můžu Ti říci, neměj obavy, že by si potkala jak Itala, tak hlavně Španěla s výškou 1.90 m. *1*
  • Když jsem ho poprvé viděla ve Fantaghiro,tak mě jako dítěti naháněl dost strach, ale teď bych se na něj vrhla a ........yeaaahh. Taky nechápu,proč si Fantaghiro nevybrala jeho, já bych teda neváhala ani vteřinu. *15* *14* *14* *14* *15* *14*

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