Mohla by být i modelka. Nebo spíš fotomodelka. S tou svou šikovností, by se na molu zabila. *1* *1*
ty nové fotky jsou božské , její přirozená krása z ní vyzařuje *14* *4* *14*
Nový rozhovor s Robertem a Kristen pro italské "Vanity Fair" přeložený - http://sagathetwilight.blog.cz/1111/kristen-rob-v-italskem-vanity-fair-prosincove-vydani
;) -
Kristen prozradila pro Glamour magazine že aby sama posoudila jak wlastně wypadala si doma googluje swoje fotky s outfity s čerweného koberce. *1*
Kristen dostala nabídku hrát roli starší sestry herečce CHLOE MORETZ v připravovaném snímku Man Under.
Tak uvidíme *3* -
prosím vás...jak se to vlastně vyřeší s tím,že RENESMÉ tak rychle roste? *7*
Promiň, moc nechápu jak to myslíš. Renesmé sice rychle roste, ale přestane stárnout ve věku 18let, takže žádný problém. Navíc je to spíš dobře, protože pak můžou Volturiových dokázat, že roste. I když to by teoreticky mohl vidět Aro v jejich myšlenkách... Ale... *7* Snad je to to, co jsi chtěla. *3*
ona je vždycky nádherná a ted má ještě fotky s robem a tam jim to fakt sekne ! *14* závidim jim ten jejich vztach chci taky !!!!!!!!!!
tak a je to tady lidi Kristen konecne promluvila o svém vztahu s Robem pro Magazín GQ nenechte se ovsem zmást nerekla tam jeho jméno místo toho- my boyfriend is english tady máte článek z hollywoodlife.com - originál je těžší sehnat ale jde to In one of the most revealing interviews she’s ever given, Kristen Stewart calls Rob her English boyfriend! Plus, she talks about having babies and getting married!
For nearly three years, we’ve watched Kristen Stewart‘s every move, using it as evidence she’s actually dating her Twilight co-star, Robert Pattinson. Now, in the British GQ, the 21-year-old actress accidentally slipped on the one secret she held near and dear: her relationship with the English actor.While discussing her time in the UK, Kristen said she was excited to see more of the country because “my boyfriend is English.”
However, when the interviewer pushed her to elaborate, she got frustrated
“I never would have said that if I knew you were going to be interviewing me,” she said. “Yeah, I know it is. So much of my life is so easily Googled. I mean, it’s like, ‘C’mon guys. It’s so obvious.”
She added, “But this subject, I don’t think you realize what a big deal it is for people. Well, it is a big deal. And right now, even me talking about it like this is a big deal. They would be, ‘Oh. My. God.’ There would also still be a 50/50 split. Some people would still be, ‘See, told you they’re not together.’”
Kristen went on to explain her rationale behind trying to keep her relationship with Rob private.
“I don’t worry about it at all,” she admitted. “It’s just one of those things. I’m selfish. I’m like, ‘That’s mine!’ And I like to keep whatever is mine remaining that way. It’s a funny little game to play and it’s a slippery slope. I always say to myself I’m never going to give anything away because there’s never any point or benefit for me.”
She continued, “I guarantee whenever I get married or have a baby, everyone is going to want to know my kid’s name and I’m not going to say it for ages. That’s just the way I want to do it. It’ll come out but it won’t have come from me. They’re going to be really p***ed off that I won’t say it and I’m going to say, ‘No!’ I also have that desire to blurt stuff out, but I’ve learned I can’t do that. Now when you realize the whole world is listening. That’s why perhaps I look so uncomfortable in interviews at times. I mean, we’ve talked about hiding things and I’ve had to get much more adept at that, sadly. But I’m glad I’m not one of those actresses who is just so ready to open up for everyone.
Kristen Stewart Calls Robert Pattinson ‘My Boyfriend’ For The First Time
We’re still shocked Kristen even said that much! Normally shy in interviews, she sure opened up… What do you think about what she said? Are you surprised she called Rob her boyfriend? All you Non-Stens, do you FINALLY believe they’re together? Sound off below! -
je zajímavý, že toho řekla tolik... :D ale nikde jsem tam nepřečetla, že by řekla, že Rob je její přítel... jo je to zhruba jasný, ale neřekla to přímo... :) třeba to ještě přijde... :D
ty fotky ze Sněhurky jsou krásný... Kristen to na koni dost sluší... :D
už se těším... premiéra bude příští rok?? *15* -
premiéra v USA 1.June. 2011 *3*
nemělo to být 2012?? jenom, že to už bylo, tak abych nebyla nějak pozadu... :D :D
to byl překlep samo že 2012 *3*
Kdy a kde bude Breaking Dawn turné? :)